Product properties
3.28 Displays
Operating Instructions, 12/2011, A5E00349864-19 127

FOC diagnostic display (yellow LED)

The diagnostic status of the SC RJ interfaces is signaled by an additional LED per port.
The LED signals that the device can adopt the following statuses:
Device type SCALANCE LED lit yellow LED not lit
X202-2P IRT PRO 1 2
X201-3P IRT PRO 1 2
X202-2P IRT 1 2
X201-3P IRT 1 2
X200-4P IRT 1 2
1. Signaling maintenance is necessary. Maintenance should be performed to ensure
problem-free operation.
2. Relevant only when the link exists:
The available link power margin is adequate for problem-free operation.

3.28.7 LED display during startup

LED display during startup

When a device starts up, the following displays light up in the order shown:
1. Power LEDs (green) light up immediately after turning on the power.
2. Port LEDs (yellow) light up for approx. 6 seconds, the red LED is off.
3. Port LEDs go off, the red error LED is lit for approx. 20 seconds.
4. After the port LEDs go off, the correct link status is displayed after approx. 2 seconds.
5. The IE Switch X-200 is now ready for operation.