Configuration / diagnostics using remote mechanisms
6.2 Updating the firmware with the boot loader
Operating Instructions, 12/2011, A5E00349864-19 155
6.2 Updating the firmware with the boot loader
If an error occurs when updating the firmware or if an IE Switch X-200 was updated with
incompatible firmware, it is possible that the firmware of the device will not start correctly.
In this case, the boot loader is active after the device has started up. This status is signaled
by a flashing fault LED.
The boot loader can also be activated by turning on the device and holding down the button
until the fault LED starts to flash.
The product must be connected with the FTP client at port 1.
With the boot loader activated, follow the steps below to load new firmware on the
IE Switch X-200:
● Assign an IP address to the device. You can do this with the PST tool.
● Once you have assigned the IP address, you can communicate with the FTP server
integrated in the boot loader.
● Send a firmware file to the IE Switch X-200 using FTP. You can use any FTP client to do
● Use the following connection settings for FTP access:
– User name: siemens
– Password: siemens
– Transmission mode: Binary
● Once it receives the file, the device updates the firmware and restarts automatically.