Configuration / diagnostics using remote mechanisms
6.3 Configuration using Web Based Management (WBM) and Command Line Interface (CLI)
Operating Instructions, 12/2011, A5E00349864-19 189
Syntax of the Command Line Interface
Table 6- 12 Ring Redundancy - CLI\X200\REDUND>
Command Description Comment
info Displays information on the redundancy
mode [A | AM | C | E | D] Sets the redundancy mode:
A - Automatic Redundancy Detection
AM - MRP Manager(Auto)/Client
C - MRP Client
E - HSR Manager
D - HSR Client
Administrator only.
static [n-m] Specifies the static (fixed) ring port.
Only for the "HSR Manager" and "HSR-
Client" modes:
Specifies the static (fixed) ring port in the
range n-m.
Administrator only.
isolated [n-m] Specifies the isolated ring port.
Only for the "HSR Manager" and "HSR-
Client" modes:
Specifies the static (fixed) ring port in the
range n-m.
Administrator only.
rports [n-m | n-m] Specifies the two ring ports in the range n-m. Administrator only.
clear Resets all redundancy counters to the
original setting.
Administrator only.
redund [E ¦ D] Enables / disables ring redundancy. Administrator only.