Configuration / diagnostics using remote mechanisms
6.3 Configuration using Web Based Management (WBM) and Command Line Interface (CLI)
208 Operating Instructions, 12/2011, A5E00349864-19
SMTP Server IP Port
The IP port over which the mail is sent. If necessary, you can change the default value 25 to
your own requirements in the CLI.
"From" Field
You can enter a text that appears in the "From" field of the E-mail.
Send Test E-Mail
Sends an E-mail with the selected parameters.
Syntax of the Command Line Interface
Table 6- 21 Agent E-Mail Configuration - CLI\AGENT\EMAIL>
Command Description Comment
info Shows the E-mail configuration.
mail [E ¦ D] Enables/disables the mailing
Administrator only.
smtp [IP address] [:port] Specifies the IP address and the
port number of the SMTP
Administrator only.
from [address] Specifies a text that will be
entered in the "From" field of the
Administrator only.
email [E-mail address] Specifies the address to which
an IE switch sends an E-mail.
This address can be up to a
maximum of 50 characters long.
Administrator only.
testmail <test E-mail comment> Sends an E-mail for testing. Administrator only.