Appendix A: Glossary
One Times Radio Transmission Technology (the "one times" refers to the frequency spectrum)
bits per second—The actual data speed over the transmission medium. See also baud.
Code Division Multiple Access—A wideband spread spectrum technique used in digital cellular, personal communications services, and other wireless networks. Wide channels (1.25 MHz) are obtained through spread spectrum transmissions, thus allowing many active users to share the same channel. Each user is assigned a unique digital code, which differentiates the individual conversations on the same channel.
Also known as 1X, this is a high-speed standard for CDMA cellular communica- tions.
circuit switched cellular
V.xx modem communications over a cellular network. It uses a dedicated connection circuit, in contrast to packet-switched. The user is charged by the carrier for the duration of the connection.
Electronic Serial Number—The unique serial number assigned to the modem for cellular network use.
Federal Communications Commission—The U.S. federal agency that is respon- sible for interstate and foreign communications. The FCC regulates commercial and private radio spectrum management, sets rates for communications services, deter- mines standards for equipment, and controls broadcast licensing. Consult www.fcc.gov.