3.When the Info screen is displayed, touch the Traffic Incident List selection, or select it by tilting the joystick to highlight it and press the ENTER button.
4.The Traffic Incident List screen is displayed and provides a list of traffic incident information in the vicinity of the vehicle.
There are several options available to you from this screen, which are described in the following sections:
Traffic Incident
Touching a specific traffic incident from the list (or selecting it by tilting the joystick to highlight it and pressing the ENTER button) will display details about the traffic incident. Note that it is possible for the detailed information to be identical to the summary information.

Crosshairs Icon
Touching the crosshairs icon next to a traffic incident entry (or selecting it by
tilting the joystick to highlight it and pressing the ENTER button) will display a map of the area surrounding the selected traffic incident.
Detour Button
Touching the Detour button, or tilting the joystick to highlight the selection and pressing the ENTER button, will cause the system to analyze the traffic data within 30 miles of the vehicle’s position. If traffic congestion is found, a message is displayed informing you of the distance to the congestion and the anticipated delay if the congestion is not detoured. Note that the Detour Based on Traffic option (described previously) must be selected in the traffic setup for this feature to work.
To begin calculating a detour, touch Detour, or select it by tilting the joystick to highlight it and press the ENTER button. To not plan a detour, touch the button, or select it by tilting the joystick to highlight it and press the ENTER button.
Legend Button
Touching the Legend button, or tilting the joystick to highlight the selection and pressing the ENTER button, displays a list of the icons associated with each incident, and defines the meaning of each icon.
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