Slant/Fin Hydronic Explorer 2 user manual Printing a Hardcopy, Exporting and Importing Data Files

Models: Hydronic Explorer 2

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Printing a Hardcopy

Heat Loss Express

Printing a Hardcopy

To print a hardcopy:

1.In Heat Loss Express, click on the Print button in the toolbar. The Print Preview screen is displayed. It provides one page for each floor and additional pages showing selected boiler, baseboard, radiant calculations, and accessories.

2.Click on the print icon in the toolbar to print a hardcopy.

Print Preview

Exporting and Importing Data Files

Hydronic Explorer 2 creates folders on your computer’s hard drive where it saves all of your job data. There may be times when you want to transfer one or more of these files to another computer by transferring them to a floppy disk or CD-ROM or by email. In order to this, you must use the export and import functions.

Exporting Data Files

Use the export function within Heat Loss Express to do the following:

Transfer files to a floppy disk or CD-ROM (for backup purposes or for transferring data to another computer).

Transfer files to another folder on the same hard drive. The new file can be attached to an email.


Slant/Fin Corporation

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Slant/Fin Hydronic Explorer 2 user manual Printing a Hardcopy, Exporting and Importing Data Files, Exporting Data Files