Slant/Fin Hydronic Explorer 2 How do I export job data files?, How do I import job data files?

Models: Hydronic Explorer 2

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How do I export job data files?

Outdoor Design Temperature for Cities

How do I export job data files?

Open Heat Loss Express, and do the following:

1.Click on Jobs in the menu bar and select Export Job Data. The Export screen is displayed.

2.Click the open folder icon in the Destination File Name box. The Browser screen is displayed. Make certain that “SlantFin Data Files (*.sxp)” is entered in the Files of type box.

3.Select a location in the Look in box, enter a file name in the File name box and click Open.

4.In the Export screen, check the jobs you want to export and click OK.

How do I import job data files?

Open Heat Loss Express, and do the following:

1.Click on Jobs in the menu bar and select Import Job Data. The Import screen is displayed.

2.Click the open folder icon in the Source File Name box. The Browser screen is displayed. Make certain that “SlantFin Data Files (*.sxp)” is entered in the Files of type box.

3.Within the Look in box, locate the floppy disk, CD-ROM, or folder where the file is located. Click on the file name (it will be entered into the File name box) and click Open.

4.In the Import screen, check the jobs you want to import and click OK.

How do I select the right boiler for a job?

1.In the Hydronic Explorer 2 Main Menu, click on Boiler Selector.

2.Enter the required data in the Boiler Selection screen. The system will display the boiler(s) that meets your requirements.

3.Choose a boiler and click OK.

How do I select baseboard?

1.Complete the heat loss calculations in Heat Loss Express. The system will display required lengths of Fine/Line 15, Fine/Line 30, Multi/Pak 80, Base/Line 70, Base/Line 2000, and Rhino-Cast for each room.

2.For each room, place the cursor in ft. selected below the desired baseboard. A down-arrow will appear.

3.Click on the down-arrow. The Select Baseboard screen is displayed.

4.Select baseboard lengths and accessories.

5.Click OK.


Slant/Fin Corporation

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Slant/Fin Hydronic Explorer 2 How do I export job data files?, How do I import job data files?, How do I select baseboard?