Slant/Fin Hydronic Explorer 2 Quick Answers, Purpose, How do I create, edit, or delete a job?

Models: Hydronic Explorer 2

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Quick Answers

Hydronic Explorer 2 User Manual

Quick Answers


This section serves as handy reference allowing you to find quick answers to specific questions.

How do I create, edit, or delete a job?

Creating a job:

1.In the Heat Loss Express toolbar, click on the plus (+) icon in Jobs. The Create New Job screen is displayed.

2.Enter all of the required data then click OK.

Editing a job:

1.In the Heat Loss Express toolbar, click on the down-arrow under Jobs. A pull-down menu displays all of the jobs.

2.Select the job you want to modify then click on the pencil icon.

3.Make changes in the Edit Job Information screen and click OK.

Deleting a job:

1.In the Heat Loss Express toolbar, click on the down-arrow under Jobs. A pull-down menu displays all of the jobs.

2.Select a job and click on the minus (-) icon. A confirmation screen is displayed.

3.Click OK. The job is deleted.

Slant/Fin Corporation


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Slant/Fin Hydronic Explorer 2 Quick Answers, Purpose, How do I create, edit, or delete a job?, Slant/Fin Corporation