American Standard Code for Information Interchange. This system of characters is most commonly used for text files
The loss in strength of digital and analog signals. The loss is greater when the signal is being transmitted over long distances.
To provide credentials, like a Password, in order to verify that the person or device is really who they are claiming to be
Automatic Private IP Addressing
APIPA. An IP address that that a Windows computer will assign itself when it is configured to obtain an IP address automatically but no DHCP server is available on the network
Backward Compatible
The ability for new devices to communicate and interact with older legacy devices to guarantee interoperability
The maximum amount of bytes or bits per second that can be transmitted to and from a network device
Basic Input/Output System
BIOS. A program that the processor of a computer uses to startup the system once it is turned on
Data transmission speed
A data frame by which one of the stations in a
Bit rate
The amount of bits that pass in given amount of time
Bits per second
Bootstrap Protocol. Allows for computers to be booted up and given an IP address with no user intervention