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P4 Body Index

1.Press theBody Indexkey to select and enter the program.

2.Begin calculating

6.1. Press start to begin.

6.1.The window will show BFR / BMI / BMR one by one after the 15 second test.

3.Test result valuesThe below test results are estimated and are only meant to provide an estimated fitness keystone. Consult your health provider for accurate testing.

7.1.BFR(Body Fat Ratio)AverageÆ15~25% for male, 20~30% for female.

7.2.BMI(Body Mass Index)17 I Underweight, NormalÆ18-25, over weightÆ26-30, ObeseÆ31 or greater

7.3.BMR(Basal Metabolic Rate)Calories burned when the body is left inactive.

P5 Fitness test

1.Press theFitness testkey to select and enter the program.

2.Set starting speedSpeed window shows lowest speed, press the speed ─ / ┼ to set starting speed then pressSTARTto begin workout.

3.Begining the workout

6.1.This program is testing your fitness condition, how far you can run in 12minutes, you can use any speed key to change the speed during your workout, the incline function is not available.

6.2.The program will end when the counter reaches 0.


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Smooth Fitness 7.35 R user manual Exercise Programs