Send Email Voicemail Alerts?
If set, and an
Attach Voicemail to Alerts?
If set then the above notification will have a copy of the message attached as a WAV file. This may be listened to on a suitably equipped PC or PDA.
Notifications with attached messages will generate large
Personal phonebook
Enter names and numbers into empty fields in this area to add new entries into your personal phonebook.
Use for phone buttons - if this is set to yes for an entry then the system will attempt to place that entry onto a spare short dial button on your phone. See my phone below for details of how to determine which entries have actually been placed onto phone buttons.
my phone
Details about your own extension and physical phone may be viewed and changed from this page.
A number of links are present, which reveal further information about the extension or phone. For security and confidentiality reasons these do not open out when the page is initially displayed. The information can however be seen and changed by clicking on the text.
This area is also where TAPI settings for desktop PC dialling and call integration may be viewed and configured but this is dealt with in more detail in the next section.