1. Start the Palm application that you want to receive the data (e.g.,
Memo). Make sure a document or spreadsheet is open.
Note: You cannot scan data into Palm Note Pad, because it is a
graphics-based program.
2. Press the trigger button and scan the code. For example, try this bar code:
When data is read and transmitted to the host, the laser will
turn off. Depending on the settings chosen in the
SocketScan Configure screen, the scanner may beep and/or
the LED may flash green. If the Scanner fails to read data
within a few seconds, the laser will turn off, and you must
try again.
3. After a successful scan, data should appear in your document. For
example, after you scan the code above into a Memo, data should appear
in the first line. The default “CR” (carriage return) suffix will advance
the cursor to the next line, ready for the next scan.
Wait for the “Good Scan” indication before
you scan another bar code. If you try to scan
too fast, the device can lock up until you stop
For information about bar code scanning
applications, please visit: