The Cordless Hand Scanner is pre-set to automatically detect and decode
(auto-discriminate) the most common bar code symbologies. To enable or
disable symbologies, simply use SocketScan’s Symbology Selector.
• The length of some symbologies will change after Symbology Selector is
used. See Table 1.
• With more symbologies enabled, the scanner must work harder to search
through all the possible combinations. This may make the decoding process
slightly longer.
• The advanced symbology parameters listed in Table 2 can only be modified
by using the SocketScan Advanced Programming Guide or the SocketScan
SDK. Check Socket’s website for updates.
Table 1. Default Symbologies
Symbology Scanner
Default Default
Length Length after
Symbology Selector
UPC-A Enabled N/A N/A
UPC-E Enabled N/A N/A
UPC-E1 Disabled N/A N/A
EAN-8 Enabled N/A N/A
EAN-13 Enabled N/A N/A
Code 128 (USS-128 & UCC/EAN 128) Enabled Any Any
Code 39*
Code 39 Enabled 2 to 23 2 to 55
Trioptic Code 39 Enabled 2 to 23 2 to 55
Code 39 Full ASCII Disabled 2 to 23 2 to 55
Code 93 Disabled 2 to 38 2 to 55
Interleaved 2 of 5* Enabled 14 Only 2 to 55
Discrete 2 of 5* Disabled 12 Only 2 to 55
Codabar Disabled 5 to 55 2 to 55
MSI Plessey* Disabled 1 to 30 2 to 55
RSS-14 (Standard, Limited, Expanded)** Disabled N/A N/A
*Warning: Setting the length to “Any” may lead to inaccurate decodes of these symbologies.
**This symbology will be added in the next release.