Paging Connections (see Figure 13)
The DAB1’s Paging connections allow connection of an audio input from a telephone system,
microphone preamp or other device to be distributed to designated Paging zones when triggered
by the CONTROL Input. (Paging must be configured in the Sonance Control Manager.)
When 5 – 24VDC is present at the DAB1 CONTROL INterminals, all system zones set to ‘Allow
Paging’ as configured with the Sonance Control Manager will switch to audio from the PAGE IN
jack. When the control voltage drops to 0VDC, audio in the zones will switch back to the select-
ed source component.
PPAAGGEEIINN::One gold-plated mono RCA jack. Designed for use with line-level audio input from a telephone system, micro-
phone preamp or other device to be distributed to designated Paging Zones when triggered with the Control Input. (‘Allow
Paging’ must be configured in the Sonance Control Manager.)
PPAAGGEEOOUUTT::One gold-plated mono RCA jack. Sends the Paging audio signal to other DAB1s in a system using multiple
DAB1 controllers.
TTrriiggggeerr WWiirree::Connect a 2-conductor non-shielded wire from the trigger voltage source on the Paging device to one
DAB1’s CONTROL INPUT terminal (see
Figure 12,
on page 16), and daisy-chain to the CONTROL INPUT terminals of all other
DAB1s in the system. (Use 20AWG wire for runs up to 500’; 18AWG wire for runs up to 1000’.)
RS-232 Connection (see Figure 14)
The DAB1’s RS-232 connection allows it to send or receive serial commands to or from other
components. The RS-232 connection uses a female DB-9 connector with the following pinout
PPiinn 22 ==RReecceeiivvee ((RRXX))
PPiinn 33 == TTrraannssmmiitt ((TTXX))
PPiinn 55 == GGrroouunndd ((GGNNDD))
Since different serial devices have different RS-232 connection configurations, consult the
documentation of the device you want to connect to the DAB1 to determine what cable/adapter
may be required.
RS-422 Port (see Figure 3, on page 10)
The RS-422 port allows the DAB1’s capabilities to be expanded in the future. At the time of this writing (05/07) the
RS-422 port was not active. Check www.sonance.com periodically for the latest information about this feature.
Figure 13:
Paging Connections
Rx Pin3
Tx Pin5