b) The firmware version number will be displayed, followed by the Tuner versions.
c) When the Tuner version number disappears, press the Zone Function Select button again.
d) Press the FM/AM Selector button (#4) to lock-in the settings.
e) Press the Zone Power button (#11) to exit.
1111..ZZoonnee PPoowweerr OOFFFF BBuuttttoonn::Press = Turns the Zone being controlled OFF. PRESS-AND-HOLD = Turns all Zones OFF.
1122..SSoouurrccee SSeelleecctt BBuuttttoonnss ((11 –– 44))::PRESS = Selects that source in the zone being controlled by the Front-Panel Buttons;
PRESS-AND-HOLD = Selects that source in all zones designated for PARTY MODE (see
Appendix 1: “Party Mode”
, on
page 54). Pressing a Source Select button for a zone that is OFF will turn the zone ON.
1133..ZZoonnee SSeelleecctt BBuuttttoonn::Selects the Zone that is controlled by the Front-Panel Buttons and displayed in the Status
Window. The selected Zone is shown in the upper left corner of the Status Window as Z1 – Z6 (for Zones 1 – 6) or ZA
(for ALL Zones).
Note: When adjusting Volume with ALL Zones selected, each Zone’s Volume change relative to its
individual settings. i.e. If Zone 1 is set to “12” and Zone 2 is set to “14”, if Volume UP is pressed
2 times in the ALL Zones mode, Zone 1 will change to “14” and Zone 2 will change to “16”.)
(Volume levels are not displayed in “All Zones” mode.)
Sonance Control Manager Software
The DAB1 comes with a CD-ROM containing the Sonance Control Manager programming software that lets you
program all of the DAB1’s operational and sonic parameters. In addition to adjusting each zone’s sonic performance you
can also program the buttons on keypad controllers to perform individual functions and to combine literally dozens of dif-
ferent functions into macros that can be triggered by a single keypad button push.
NOTE: In addition to programming the DAB1, the Sonance Control Manager software can also be
used to program the C4630 SE. C4630 SE programming is explained in the C4630 SE Instruction
Installing the Sonance Control Manager Software
1. Place the included SONANCE CONTROL MANAGER CD-ROM in your computer’s CD drive.
2. The installer will automatically launch. Follow the instructions to install the program.
IIff tthhee iinnssttaalllleerr ddooeess nnoott aauuttoommaattiiccaallllyy llaauunncchh::
1. Go to your computer’s START menu and select RUN.
2. Use the BROWSE function to navigate to the SONANCE CONTROL MANAGER CD.
3. Double-click on INSTALLER.EXE and follow the instructions to install the program.
Sonance Control Manager
is compatible with these
Windows operating systems:
WWiinnddoowwss 22000000 sseerriieess
WWiinnddoowwss XXPP HHoommee
WWiinnddoowwss XXPP PPrrooffeessssiioonnaall
Sonance Control Manager is
compatible with any
Apple/MacIntosh operating