IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT:: NNeevveerr rreemmoovvee tthhee ffeeeett wwhheenn mmoouunnttiinngg tthhee uunniitt oonn aa sshheellff.. DDooiinngg ssoo mmaayy ccaauussee
ddaammaaggee ttoo tthhee DDAABB11 aannd
d ootthheerr ccoommppoonneennttss dduuee ttoo hheeaatt bbeeiinngg ttrraappppeedd..
Use the included rack-mount adapters to rack-mount the DAB1. Use the four chassis screws already secured to each side
of the DAB1 to attach the rack adapters. The DAB1 chassis has been specially designed to provide
support when using the rack adapters. The adapters have also been designed to match the DAB1’s front panel for a clean,
professional look. The DAB1 requires 3U of rack space. When rack-mounting the DAB1, leave sufficient space between
the unit and other components in the rack to allow proper airflow for ventilation. Sonance recommends using a rack vent
spacer above the unit to improve airflow.
System Overview
The DAB1 Distributed Audio System has features and capabilities that will meet the demands of an extremely wide
variety of applications. It can be a simple background music system, serve as the preamp/controller for a powerful
foreground music system, or it can be integrated as a sub-system in a complex whole-house automation and control
package. Understanding the DAB1’s features and capabilities is one of the keys to creating a great system.
In all stages of system design and installation you should plan ahead. Put the entire design down on paper so you
can verify all aspects of it before beginning the installation. With a system that can literally leave holes in the walls if
something hasn’t been properly planned or tested, we recommend setting-up, programming and testing the system’s
components as they will be used before actually performing the installation. This will help insure that the system will work
as designed and that you have all the necessary parts and components on hand prior to beginning the installation.
Always plan for system expansion in terms of both size and flexibility. Anticipating system expansion by carefully
planning what the initial installation is going to be and what the system requirements might be as upgrades are
incorporated can save you time, money and aggravation.
Control Considerations
The DAB1 is designed to be controlled by the DAB1 keypad, the C4630 SE Main Keypad, or Sonance Navigator®K1 and
K2 keypads. The included IR remote can operate via the DAB1’s front-panel IR receiver, and it can also operate via
external IR receivers connected to the DAB1 via its keypad controllers. The C4630 SE Main Keypad has a built-in holster
that can accommodate a Sonance FSMR1 or MR1 IR receiver (see page 19). When planning your system be sure to include
all of your control needs along with your audio requirements.
Head End Considerations
Reserve as much space as possible for the DAB1 and source components — an equipment closet with rear access to the
components is ideal. At the very least, reserve enough space in the equipment rack or wall unit to properly install all components,
leaving plenty of room for wire, ventilation, possible future expansion and room to work. (continued on page 11)