Creating the Workflow Function
Create the workflow function for publishing sales order information. Navigation: In WorkFlow Builder, open the OM Order Line (OEOL) workflow.
•Display Name: XNB Sales Order Publish
•Function Name: xnb_cmn_pvt.publish_salesorder_info
Integrating Workflow Process for Publishing Group Sales Order Information
Create the workflow function for publishing group sales order information. The figure below shows the workflow process for publishing Group Sales Order Information.
Workflow Process for Publishing Group Sales Order Information
Navigation: In Workflow Builder, open the OM Order Header (OEOH) workflow.
Enter the following parameters for the new function:
•Display Name: XNB Group Sales Order Publish
•Function Name: xnb_cmn_pvt.publish_grpsalesorder_info
Setting Up and Running the Item Publish Concurrent Program
You must have the System Administrator responsibility and the Telecommunications
Implementation Tasks for Oracle Telecommunications Billing Integrator