2.Run the following script from the console to stop the repository service:
3.Run the following script at the command prompt:
Importing OAI Maps to the Repository
Seeded integration maps are provided as database export files. This metadata must be imported into an existing OAI 9.0.4 hub repository. Before importing the OAI maps to the repository, you must drop the existing Hub Schema.
Use this procedure to import an OAI map.
1.Run the following script at the command prompt:
<OAI_HOME>/oai/9.0.4/repository/oaiimport <IntegrationMap_file> <hub_user_name> system/<system_user_pwd> <hub_user_pwd> <HubDB_TNS_Name>
Note: The values are:
•hub_user_name: Hub schema owner user name. Default is oaihub904.
•IntegrationMap_file: The path to the database export file containing the map.
•HubDB_TNS_Name: The TNS entry for the database.
2.If the repository service stops, run the following script to start the repository service:
3.If the adapter service stops, run the following script from the console to start the adapter service:
Configuring Oracle Applications InterConnect