Labelling 45 “Language” 134 “LINE 1 In” 131 LINE 1/DECODER 34 LINE 2 IN 35 “LINE 3 Out” 131


Main sound 70, 132 Mains lead 27 Making a backup disc 93 Managing

audio tracks on the Music Jukebox 107

JPEG image files 117 “Manual” 124 “Manual CH Setting” 128 Manual Clock Set 31, 124 “Manual Rec. Mode” 135 Manual recording mode 135

MENU 73 Menu

DVD’s Menu 73 Top menu 73

“Modify” 59 “Move” 87, 88 MP3 audio tracks 73 MPEG 25, 133 “Multi-Mode” 83, 117 “Music Jukebox” 102 “My TV” 62


“Name” 130 “New Album” 117 NICAM 70 “NICAM Select” 132 “NTSC on PAL TV” 131 Number buttons 80


“On Screen Display” 141 ONE-TOUCH DUB 96, 100

One-Touch Play 24, 74

“Optimise HDD” 124 “Options” 141 “Options 2” 142 “Original” 41, 82, 104 “OSD Language” 134


Page mode 41, 104, 113 “Parental Lock” 74, 138 Parts and controls 12 Pause Live TV 79 “Pause Mode” 138 PAY-TV 36

PBC 73 PDC 57, 69

“Photo Album” 108, 112 “Picture Adjustment” 120 Picture quality 120 “Play List Name” 107 PLAY MODE 77, 78 Play mode

“A-B Repeat” 77 “Programme” 78,


“Repeat” 77 Playable discs 151, 153 “Playback” 137 Playback 73, 104, 112, 151, 153

“A-B Repeat” 77 DivX video files 73 DV camcorder 101 fast forward 76, 105 fast reverse 76, 105 freeze frame 76 instant advance 75 instant replay 75 JPEG image files 112 Jukebox 104

MP3 audio tracks 73 “Programme” 78,

106 “Repeat” 77, 105 resume play 74 rotate 114

scan audio 76 slow-motion play 76 zoom 114

Playlist 41, 82, 104

“Power Save” 125 Printing JPEG image files 118

“Programme” 78, 106 Programme information 51

“Progressive” 31 “Protect” 83, 117 “Protect Album Contents” 117

“Protect Disc” 45 Protection

album 117 disc 45

JPEG image file 117 title 83


Quick Timer 58, 69


Rear panel 16 REC 38


REC STOP 38, 96, 100 “Rec. Mode Adjust” 54, 68, 135 “Recommendation Search” 56 Recordable discs 151 “Recording” 135 Recording 53, 66

picture adjustment 120

recording format 151 recording mode 40,

154 recording time 40,


Series Recording 55 while watching

another programme 39

Recording mode 40, 154 Recording time 40, 154 Recovery Recording 57, 71