Region Code

This system is used to protect copyrights. A region code is allocated on each DVD system or DVD VIDEO according to the sales region. Each region code is shown on the unit as well as on the disc packaging. The system can play back the discs that match its region code. The system can also play back discs with the

” mark. Even when the region code is not shown on the DVD VIDEO, the region limit may still be activated.


On a VIDEO CD with PBC functions, the menu screens, moving pictures and still pictures are divided into sections called “scenes.”


The longest section of a picture or a music piece on a DVD VIDEO; a movie, etc., for a picture piece on video software, or the entire album in audio software.


Section of a picture or a music piece on a VIDEO CD, CD, or MP3. An album is composed of several tracks (MP3 only).


A compact disc that contains moving pictures.

The picture data uses the MPEG 1 format, one of the worldwide standards for digital compression technology. The picture data is compressed to about 1/140 of its original size. Consequently, a 12 cm VIDEO CD can contain up to 74 minutes of moving pictures.

VIDEO CDs also contain compact audio data.

Sounds outside the range of human hearing are compressed while the sounds we can hear are not compressed. VIDEO CDs can hold 6 times the audio information of conventional AUDIO CDs.

There are 2 versions of VIDEO CDs.Version 1.1: You can play back only moving pictures and sounds.

Version 2.0: You can play back high- resolution still pictures and enjoy PBC functions.

This system conforms to both versions.
