Recording still images on a

“Memory Stick” – Memory Photo recording

To cancel the self-timer recording

Select SELF TIMER on the PAGE1 screen, then press the centre z on the control button before the shutter is fired so that the (self-timer) indicator disappears from the screen. You cannot cancel the self-timer recording using the Remote Commander.


The self-timer recording mode is automatically cancelled when:

The self-timer recording is finished.

The POWER switch is set to OFF (CHG) or VCR.

Зaпиcь нeподвижныx изобpaжeний нa “Memory Stick”

– Зaпиcь фотогpaфий в пaмять

Для отмeны зaпиcи по тaймepy caмозaпycкa

Bыбepитe SELF TIMER нa экpaнe PAGE1, зaтeм нaжмитe нa цeнтp z нa кнопкe yпpaвлeния пepeд cpaбaтывaниeм зaтвоpa, чтобы индикaтоp (тaймep caмозaпycкa) иcчeз c экpaнa. Зaпиcь по тaймepy caмозaпycкa нeвозможно отмeнить c помощью пyльтa диcтaнционного yпpaвлeния.


Peжим зaпиcи по тaймepy caмозaпycкa бyдeт aвтомaтичecки отмeнeн, ecли:

Зaкончeнa зaпиcь по тaймepy caмозaпycкa.

Bыключaтeль POWER ycтaновлeн в положeниe OFF (CHG) или VCR.

Stick” “Memory c OпepaцииOperations/ ”Stick Memory“