7.Then, turn the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob and display “LDPWR CHECK” (C02).
8.Press the [YES] button once and display “LD 0.9 mW $ ”. Check that the reading of the laser power meter become 0.85 to 0.91 mW.
9.Press the [YES] button once more and display “LD 7.0 mW $
”. Check that the reading the laser power meter and digital volt meter satisfy the specified value.
Note down the digital voltmeter reading value.
Laser power meter reading : 7.0 ± 0.2 mW
Digital voltmeter reading : Optical
27X40 B0825
lOP=82.5 mA in this case
lOP (mA) = Digital voltmeter reading (mV)/1 (Ω)
10.Press the [MENU/NO] button and display “LDPWR CHECK” and stop the laser emission.
(The [MENU/NO] button is effective at all times to stop the laser emission.)
11.Turn the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob to display “Iop Write”(C28).
12.Press the [YES] button. When the display becomes Ref=@@@.@ (@ is an arbitrary number), press the [YES] button to display “Measu=@@@.@” (@ is an arbitrary num- ber).
13.The numbers which can be changed will blink. Input the Iop value noted down at step 9.
To select the number : Turn the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob.
To select the digit : Press the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob.
14.When the [YES] button is pressed, “Complete!” will be dis- played momentarily. The value will be recorded in the non- volatile memory and the display will become “Iop Write”.
Note 1: After step 4, each time the [YES] button is pressed, the display
will be switched between “LD 0.7 mW $ | ”, “LD 6.2 mW $ | ||
”, and “LD Wp | $ | ”. Nothing needs to be performed | |
here. |
Note 1: Data will be erased during MO reading if a recorded disc is used in this adjustment.
Note 2: If the traverse waveform is not clear, connect the oscilloscope as shown in the following figure so that it can be seen more clearly.
BD board
330 k Ω
CN110 pin 3 (TEO)
CN110 pin 1 (VC) 10 pF
Connection :
oscilloscope (DC range)
BD board |
| ||
CN110 pin 3 | (TEO) |
| |
+ | V: 0.1 V/div | |||
CN110 pin 1 | (VC) | |||
– | H: 10 ms/div |
Adjusting Procedure :
1.Connect an oscilloscope to CN110 pin 3 (TEO) and CN110 pin 1 (VC) of the BD board.
2.Load a disc (any available on the market). (Refer to Note 1)
3.Press the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊ]) button and move the optical
4.Turn the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob and display “EF MO ADJUS” (C10).
5.Press the [YES] button and display “EFB =
6.Turn the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob so that the waveform of the oscilloscope becomes the specified value.
(When the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob is turned, the of “EFB=
” changes and the waveform changes.) In this adjustment, waveform varies at intervals of approx. 2%. Adjust the wave- form so that the specified value is satisfied as much as pos- sible.
(Read power traverse adjustment)
(Traverse Waveform)
Specification A = B
7.Press the [YES] button and save the result of adjustment to
the SAV” will be displayed
for a moment. Then “EFB =