Enjoying the camera

Enjoying high definition images

The movies shot with this camera will be recorded in MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Main Profile, approximately 30 frames per second, Progressive, AAC LC, “MP4 format”.

MPEG: Movie Picture Experts Group

AVC: Advanced Video Codec

What is “MPEG-4 AVC/H.264”?

MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 is a standard of video camera, which uses highly efficient image compression encoding technology to record HD (high definition) images. Compared with the existing image compression encoding technology, MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 is able to compress images even more effectively.

In the MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, the camera supports high definition images with effective scanning lines of 1080 or 720. The number of recorded image pixel is 14401080 or 1280720, and the image is recorded in progressive mode*.

Progressive playback

The camera supports progressive mode*, which is used in computers, and therefore is suited for playing back images on computers.

Shooting movies in image quality suited for your purpose

The camera supports the common and widely used VGA (640480) as well as HD (high definition) image quality. Select VGA (640480) image quality to upload the recorded images on websites or to attach to mails without the need to convert the image quality.

Movie size you can select with this camera

Movie Size

Usage guidelines

1080 30P

Shoot HD (high definition) quality movies in sizes suited for display on


computer or high definition TV



720 30P

Shoot HD (high definition) quality movies in sizes suited for display on






Shoot SD (standard definition) quality movies in sizes suited for uploading


on websites



* The progressive mode is a type of movie recording method, which reads out all image pixels at once.