
The RHCU2 (hereafter “the unit”) is a USB 2.0 interface adaptor for the Portable HardDisk Media. By connecting the unit, you can easily use the Portable HardDisk Media as an external storage device. Because the unit is a USB device, you can connect and disconnect it from your computer with ease. Further, connecting the unit to a USB 2.0- compliant computer greatly improves the data transfer speed.

Package Contents

When you open the package, make sure that it contains the following. If any of the items listed below are missing or damaged, call the Sony Customer Information Center.

USB Interface Adaptor

Portable HardDisk Media (included only with the RHK40U2/RHK80U2. Sold separately and necessary to use the RHCU2)

USB cable

Stand (included only with the RHK40U2/RHK80U2)

AC adaptor

Power cord


Operating instructions (this document)

Label (included only with the RHK40U2/RHK80U2)


Connecting the Portable HardDisk Media

Before connecting the Portable HardDisk Media, remove the protective cover from the Portable HardDisk Media connector.

Align the unit and Portable HardDisk Media so that the connectors mate correctly. Connect the Portable HardDisk Media to the unit, then secure with the screw at the back of the unit.