EN Using the Memory Card

You can save and load game data by using the

Aoptional SCPH-1020 Memory Card (sold separately). You can also copy data from one Memory Card to another or delete unnecessary data.

Each Memory Card has 15 memory blocks, and you cannot save game data which requires more blocks than there are empty blocks on your Memory Card.

Before playing, check how many blocks are necessary for your game.










Refer to the instruction manual of the individual game for

















necessary numbers of memory blocks.











Set the supplied Analog Controller to digital










mode (LED: Off).




















To start Memory Card operation










1 ...... Turn on the power without inserting a































2 .... Insert Memory Card.





















3 .... Select “MEMORY CARD” with the



















directional buttons and press the ®



















4 5 6





To cancel the Memory Card operation











Select “EXIT “ on the screen with the directional buttons and press ®.

BMemory Card operation

How to use the Controller for the Memory Card screen

To move the arrow: Press the directional button.

To select the items: Press ®.

You can also operate with the optional SCPH-1090 Mouse.

To copy a part of the game data

1... Check that the card has enough memory blocks, then select “COPY“.

2... Select the card that has the data to be copied.

3... Select the icon of the data to be copied.

4... When the message “Are you sure ?” appears select “YES“.

To cancel copying, select “NO“.


You cannot copy the data to a card that does not have enough empty memory blocks. You may need to delete unnecessary data.

Do not remove the card until the icons stop moving.

To copy all the game data

1 ... Check that the card has enough memory

block, then select “COPY ALL“.



Directional buttons


Touches directionnelles

Touche ®

Botones de dirección


AMemory Card screen

1 Contents of card 1. The game data is displayed as icons.

2 Icons. The number of icons shows the number of the used memory blocks.

3 Move with the directional buttons to select the icon.

4 Copy the game data on the card.

5 Copy entire game data on the card.

6 Delete unnecessary game data.

7 Exit from the Memory Card operation.

8 Contents of card 2

9 Name of the game data



... Select the card to be copied .

3 ... When the message “Are you sure ?”

appears select “YES“.

To cancel copying, select “NO“.


Do not remove the card until icons stop moving.

If the data you are trying to copy already exists on the card you are trying to copy to, the data will not be copied.

To delete the game data

1 ... Select “DELETE“.

2... Select the card that has the data you want to delete.

3... Select the icon of the game data you want to delete.

4... When the message “Are you sure ?” appears select “YES“.

To cancel deleting, select “NO“.