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Page 199
Image 199
Sony STR-DE905G manual Nªy, 49C

STR-DE905G specifications

The Sony STR-DE905G is a high-fidelity audio receiver that exemplifies Sony’s commitment to delivering advanced audio performance for home theater systems. Launched in the late 1990s, this versatile receiver integrates a variety of features, technologies, and characteristics that appeal to both audiophiles and casual listeners alike.

One of the standout features of the STR-DE905G is its robust power output. The receiver boasts 100 watts per channel across five channels, which allows it to deliver dynamic and immersive sound, suitable for driving large speakers and filling wide rooms with rich audio. Its ability to handle various speaker configurations, including surround sound setups, makes it an excellent choice for creating an engaging home theater experience.

In terms of connectivity, the STR-DE905G is equipped with multiple inputs and outputs to ensure seamless integration with various audio and video components. It includes several analog audio inputs, digital inputs, composite video connections, and even an optional Phono input for vinyl enthusiasts. The inclusion of optical and coaxial digital inputs allows for high-quality sound delivery from CD players, DVDs, and other digital sources.

The receiver also incorporates advanced decoding technologies. It supports Dolby Digital and DTS surround sound formats, which are essential for rendering the audio from movies and gaming in a fully immersive manner. This capability ensures that users can enjoy multi-channel audio that captures the full impact of their favorite films and gaming experiences.

Another notable characteristic of the STR-DE905G is its user-friendly interface. The receiver features an intuitive remote control that allows users to easily navigate settings, adjust volume levels, and switch between input sources without hassle. Furthermore, its on-screen display makes it easy to configure the system and customize audio settings.

Beyond its performance and connectivity, the STR-DE905G features a sleek and attractive design, which enables it to blend seamlessly into any living room or home theater setup. Its solid build quality ensures durability, making it a reliable choice for audio enthusiasts.

In summary, the Sony STR-DE905G is a feature-rich home theater receiver that combines powerful audio performance with versatile connectivity options and user-friendly controls. Whether for music playback or an immersive home theater experience, this receiver stands as a testament to Sony's Audio Engineering innovation and quality.