[YES]: Normally select this.

[NONE]: Select this if no center speaker is used.


[YES]: Normally select this.

[NONE]: Select this if no surround speakers are used.




When you change the [CONNECTION] setting, the [STANDARD] of [SPEAKER FORMATION] setting remains the same, but the other settings of [SPEAKER FORMATION] return to [STANDARD].


When you move the front speakers and center speaker, be sure to set the parameters of the distance (A) from the listening position to the speakers.

You can set the parameters from 1.0 to 7.0 meters1) (3 to 23 ft) for the front speakers, from

0.0to 7.0 meters2) (0 to 23 ft) for the center speaker.


[L/R] 3.0 m/10 ft3): Set the front speaker distance.

[CENTER] 3.0 m/10 ft3)4): Set the center speaker distance (up to 1.6 meters (5 ft) closer to the front speakers).

1)0.9 to 6.9 meters for North American models.

2)0.0 to 6.9 meters for North American models.

3)When you perform the Quick Setup (page 21), the default settings are changed.

4)This item appears when you set [CENTER] to [YES] in the [CONNECTION] setting.


When you move the surround speakers, be sure to set the parameters of the distance (B) from the listening position to the speakers.

You can set the parameters from 0.0 to 7.0 meters1) (0 to 23 ft).


[L/R] 3.0 m/10 ft2)3): Set the surround speaker distance (up to 5.0 meters (16 ft) closer to the front speakers).

1)0.0 to 6.9 meters for North American models.

2)When you perform the Quick Setup (page 21), the default settings are changed.

3)This item appears when you set [SURROUND] to [YES] in the [CONNECTION] setting.


If all front and surround speakers are not placed at an equal distance from your listening position, set the distance according to the closest speaker.

Do not place the surround speakers farther away from your listening position than the front speakers.

Depending on the input stream, the [DISTANCE] setting may not be effective.


You can adjust the sound level of the front speakers, center speaker, and subwoofer. You can set the parameters from –6.0 dB to 0 dB for [L/R], and from –6.0 dB to +6.0 dB for [CENTER] and [SUBWOOFER]. Be sure to set [TEST TONE] to [ON] for easy adjustment.

[L/R] 0.0 dB: Set the front speaker level.

