


There is noise or the sound skips. • Turn off the system, then reconnect the USB device.



• Noise may have entered during the transferring process. Delete the file, and try



transferring again.



• Copy the files to your computer, format the USB device in FAT12, FAT16, or



FAT32 format, and transfer the files to the USB device again.*



* This system supports FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32, but some USB devices



may not support all of these. For details, refer to the operating instructions of



each USB device or contact the manufacturer.



The USB device cannot be

• The USB device is being connected backwards. Connect the USB device in the

connected into the


correct orientation.






The USB device which has been

• It may be recorded in an unsupported format. If so, first take the precaution of

used on another device does not

backing up important files on the USB device by copying them to your



computer hard disk. Next, format the USB device in FAT12, FAT16, or FAT32



format, and transfer the files to the USB device again.*



* This system supports FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32, but some USB devices



may not support all of these. For details, refer to the operating instructions of



each USB device or contact the manufacturer.



“READING” is displayed for a

• The reading process can take a long time in the following cases.

long time.


– There are many folders or files on the USB device.



– The file structure is extremely complex.



– The memory capacity is excessive.



– The internal memory is fragmented.



• Sony recommends following these guidelines.



– Total folders on the USB device: 200 or less



– Total files per folder: 150 or less



File names are not displayed

• Transfer the music data onto the USB device again, as the data stored in the



USB device may have been corrupted.



• The character codes that can be displayed by this system are numbers and letters



only. Other characters are not displayed correctly.



“DATA ERROR” appears in the

• The audio file/JPEG image file you want to play is broken.

front panel display during

• The data is not MPEG1 Audio Layer 3 data.

playback of a USB device.

• The JPEG image file format does not conform to DCF.



• The file has the extension “.jpg” or “.jpeg,” but is not in JPEG format.



Playback does not start.

• Turn off the system, then reconnect the USB device.



• Connect the USB device that this system can play. See “Playable USB Devices”






• Press H to start play.



Playback does not start from the

• Cancel Repeat Play (page 61).

first track.





It takes time until playback

• The system is playing an audio file in AAC format.







Information Additional
