All Files – all content in the phone memory and on a Memory Stick Micro™ (M2™).

On Memory Stick – all content on a Memory Stick Micro™ (M2™).

In Phone – all content in the phone memory.

File information

View file information by highlighting it

}More } Information. Items that are downloaded, or received using one of the available transfer methods, may be copyright-protected. If a file is protected, you may not be able to copy or send that file. A DRM- protected file has a key symbol.

To use a file from the File manager

1} File Manager and open a folder.

2Scroll to a file } More for additional options.

To move or copy a file to memory

1} File Manager and select a folder.

2Scroll to a file } More } Manage File

}Move to move the file or } More

}Manage File } Copy to copy the file.

3Select to move or copy the file to Phone or Memory Stick } Select.

To move or copy files to a computer

You can transfer files to your computer via Bluetoothwireless technology, Infrared or USB cable % 65 Connectivity.

To create a subfolder

1} File Manager and open a folder.

2} More } New Folder and enter a name for the folder.

3} OK to save the folder.

To select several files

1} File Manager and open a folder.

2} More } Mark } Mark Several.

3Scroll to select files } Mark or Unmark.

To select all files in a folder

}File Manager and open a folder

}More } Mark } Mark All.

To delete a file or a subfolder from the File manager

1} File Manager and open a folder.

2Scroll to a file } More } Delete.

Memory card options

Check memory status or format a memory card to delete all information.

To use memory card options

} File Manager and select the On Memory Stick tab } More for options.

22Getting to know the phone

This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.