Fixed dialing

The fixed dialing function allows calls to be made to certain numbers saved on the SIM card. The fixed numbers are protected by your PIN2.

You can still call the international emergency number, 112 or 911, even when the fixed dialing function is activated.

Partial numbers can be saved. For example, saving 0123456 allows calls to be made to all numbers starting with 0123456.

When fixed dialing is activated, you may not be allowed to view or manage any phone numbers saved on the SIM card.

To activate or deactivate fixed dialing

1} Contacts } More } Options

}Special numbers } Fixed Dialing and select Activate or Deactivate.

2Enter your PIN2 } OK and then } OK again to confirm.

To save a fixed number

}Contacts } More } Options

}Special numbers } Fixed Dialing

}Fixed Numbers } New Number and enter the information.

Call time and cost

During a call, the duration of the call is shown. You can check the duration of your last call, outgoing calls and the total time of your calls.

To check the call time

}Settings and use or to scroll to the Calls tab } Time & Cost } Call Timers.

Additional calling functions

Tone signals

Use telephone banking services or control an answering machine with tone signals during a call.

To use tone signals

Press - , or to send tones.

} More } Disable Tones or Enable Tones to turn the tones on or off during a call.

Press to clear the screen after a call.


Use the screen as a notepad to enter a phone number during a call. When you end the call, the number remains on the screen for you to call or save in your contacts.

Calling 35

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