To enter email settings

1} Messaging } Email } Settings.

2After settings are entered, } Inbox } More } Snd&Rec to access your email.

When settings are entered, your phone can connect to an email server to send and receive email messages.

For more information, contact your email provider or see the User guide with additional information at

To create an email account

1} Messaging } Email } Settings } New Account } Add.

2Enter a name for the account } OK. For help } Setup Instructions or press to a setting } Info.

3Press to a setting and enter the following minimum required settings:

Email Alert and select the alert

sound for new messages.

Connect Using and select a data account (provided by your network

operator, } Info).

Email Address, enter your email


Connection Type (POP3 or IMAP4).

Incoming Server, enter the server name.

Username, enter the username for the email account.

Password, enter the password for the email account.

Outgoing Server, enter the server name.

To enter advanced email account settings (optional in most cases)

1} Messaging } Email } Settings.

2Select an account to edit } More

} Edit Account } Advanced Settings.

3Press to select and enter settings, if required by your email provider, for example, Check Interval.

To receive and read email messages

1} Messaging } Email } Inbox

}Send&Rec when the inbox is empty or } Messaging } Email } Inbox

}More } Snd&Rec to download new messages. This also sends any messages in the outbox.

2Select a message in the inbox } View to read it.


This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.