4GoldMike MK2
IntroductionThe GoldMike MK2 is the result of all our experienc e and
knowledge from its successf ul predecessor and represents an
improved, more flexible and, more modern version.
We have added technologies that have already proven to
provide superior tonal results in other SP L products. For
example, the instrument input i s designed around a class A
impedance converter which premiere d in the SPL GainStation
A significant contributio n to the success of the predece ssor was
the hybrid preamplifier concept. It combines transistor and tube
preamplifier stages and spec ifically utilizes their te chnological
and sonic advantages: The ef ficiency and l ow noise of a discrete
transistor stage is enriched wit h musical coloration of a tube
The transistor stage is composed of sing le transistors in a clas s
A design. The circuitry is full y discrete, and each transistor is
completely optimized for its specific task. You will not find any
IC’s i n th is p re amp li fi er s ta ge b ec aus e t hey ca nno t be op tim ize d
for this specific applicatio n to the degree we aimed for. This all
new discrete class A transistor st age is a genuine innovation in
the entire preamplifier market at this price level.
The degree of tube pre-amplifi cation is no longer the fixed +6
dB value of its predecessor. The GoldMike MK2 sp orts the selec-
tion of three different tube pre-amplifications: +6 dB remains
the standard complemented by +12 dB and +18 dB. This allows
creative variety with the tub e saturation and limiting e ffects.
We have also added an extra set ting to the popular F lair circuitr y
to give more flexibilit y to the presence improvement .
Because the GoldMike MK2 is a dual channel preamplifier,
its channel separation is of fundam ental importance for the
stereo image. Therefore the print-b oard layout is symmetri-
cally mirrored around the power suppl y in the center from
channel 1 to channel 2. This results in an iden tical signal flow to
supporting a naturally balanced stereo image. Additionally the
print-board provides extra -large ground areas maximiz ing the
shielding against crosstalk and inter ference.