timer mode, press the "MODE" button until the hourglass appears on the left- hand side of the screen. You are now in interval timer mode. To set the inter- val timer, hold the "FUNCTION" button for three seconds. The hour digit will begin flashing. Press the "MODE" Button until the desired number appears. Press the "FUNCTION" but- ton once to set this number and advance to minutes. Repeat this process until minutes and seconds are set to the desired settings. Press the "FUNCTION" button to exit program- ming mode. Once the interval timer is programmed, press the "FUNCTION" button to start/stop the countdown. (See figure 10)
Note: The shortest interval that can be set is 5 seconds.
Speed is always indicated on the top line of the screen. The speed is shown continuously up to 99.9 M/h (99.9 Km/h) with a resolution of 0.1 M/h (0.1 Km/h)
Average Speed (AVS)
The average speed is displayed
on the lower line of the screen when AVS is shown on the left. The average speed is based upon whether the ATM or the TM mode has been selected, the resolution of the average speed is shown in 0.1M/h or Km/h increments. (See figure 11)
+/- Average Speed Indicator
An up or down arrow displayed in the upper right side of the screen shows whether the current speed is above or below the average speed. The arrow is always displayed so you know if you’re maintaining your aver- age speed while in another mode.
Maximum Speed (MXS)
The maximum speed is displayed on the lower line of the screen when MXS is shown on the left. The maximum speed is retained in memory and up- dated when a higher speed is attained. The maximum speed can be reset by pressing the "FUNCTION" button for three seconds. (See figure 12)