Portions of this product are covered by some or all of the following US patents:
5,515,013 | 5,629,960 | 5,845,216 | 5,847,553 | 5,878,234 | 5,890,057 | 5,929,815 |
6,169,884 | 6,191,741 | 6,199,168 | 6,339,405 | 6,359,591 | 6,400,336 | 6,516,204 |
6,561,851 | 6,643,501 | 6,653,979 | 6,697,030 | 6,785,830 | 6,845,249 | 6,847,830 |
6,876,697 | 6,879,585 | 6,886,049 | 6,968,171 | 6,985,757 | 7,023,878 | 7,053,843 |
7,106,569 | 7,145,267 | 7,200,512 | 7,287,162 | 7,295,171 | D442,170 | D459,303 |
D559,256 | D560,911 |
and other patents pending.
This product includes technology licensed from QUALCOMM® 3G.
Manufactured or sold by Sierra Wireless or its licensees under one or more patents licensed from InterDigital Group.
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Sprint and the logo are trademarks of Sprint. Other marks are the property of their respective owners.
Sierra Wireless, the Sierra Wireless logo,
Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Mac OS is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
QUALCOMM® is a registered trademark of QUALCOMM Incorporated.