Select draft pica download character set
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
IBM <ESC> “I" <4> 27 73 4 1B 49 04
Selects the download character set, draft quality, and pica pitch
(1Ocpi). Ignored if the (FONT) button was pressed during power-up
or if EDS switch A-2 is ON.
Select draft elite download character set
‘. ^_ Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
IBM <ESC> “I” <FF> 27 73 12 16 49 oc
Selects the download character set, draft quality, and elite pitch (12
cpi). Ignored if the (FONT) button was pressed during power-up or
if EDS switch A-2 is ON.
Select draft condensed download characters
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
IBM <ES3 “I” <DC4> 27 73 20 18 49 14
Selects the download character set, draft quality, and condensed
pitch (17 cpi). Ignored if the (FONT)button was pressed during
power-up or if EDS switch A-2 is ON.
Select LQ pica download characters
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
IBM <ESC> “I" <6> 27 73 6 IB 49 06
Selects the LQ download character set with pica pitch (10 cpi).
Ignored if the (FONT] button was pressed during power-up or if
EDS switch A-2 is ON.