Select draft quality characters
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Bo* “(” “(3. “F” “)” “)” “9” 40 40 70 41 41 57 28 28 46 29 29 39
<ESC> “x” “0” 27 120 48 18 78 30
Std. <ESC> “X” co> 27 120 0 18 78 00
Changes from letter quality to draft quality. Ignored if the (FONT)
button was pressed during power-up.
Select draft pica characters
IMode ( ASCII 1 Decimal 1 Hexadecimal 1
1 IBM 1 <ESC> “I” <0> 1 27 73 0 IlB4900 1
Changes to draft quality characters with pica pitch (10 cpi). Ignored
if the (FONT)or (FVTWbutton was pressed during power-up.
Select draft elite characters
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
IBM <ESC> “I” <8> 27 73 8 1B 49 08
Changes to draft quality characters with elite pitch (12 cpi). Ignored.
if the (FONT) or (PITCH) button was pressed during power-up.
Select draft condensed characters
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal ‘-
IBM <ESC> “I” <DLE> 27 73 16 1B 49 10
Changes to draft quality characters with condensed pitch (17 cpi).
Ignored if the (FONT) or GiEFi) button was pressed during