SDF 250/400/500
8.1.Installation of the exhauster fan for regeneration of exhaust
When plastics are being dried that release harmful gases during the drying process, care must be taken that the regeneration exhaust air is disposed of in an environmentally sound way. At the same time the throughput of the regeneration blower must not be altered. It should be noted when assembling a disposal system (e.g. an exhauster system) that the regeneration exhaust air is very humid. Thus condensation may form, which must not under any circumstances return to the dryer.
8.2. Connection of Return Air Cooler (Optional)
FA return air cooler must be employed if the return air temperature is higher than +65 °C (149 °F).
The return air cooler can be connected to a coolant circuit or the water mains network.
Observe the water flow with connection to water mains network. The coolant circuit must be dimensioned acccordingly.
Remove the side panel of the dryer.
Connect the coolant intake line and coolant return line to the return air cooler. Obeserve the flow direction of the coolant through the return air cooler. Check the connections for leaks.
Mount the side panel.
Assembly instructions