Sterling STT 1600 STT 3.5.3. Entering hopper values, Start-up, Hopper entry X Target

Models: STT 1600

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STT 1600

STT 1600

3.5.3. Entering hopper values

Select ”Hopper”.

Acknowledge with the ENTER-key.


Press the ”F4”-key.

Hopper entry X Target

(X = number of the drying hopper)

Enter the drying temperature for hopper flap X (when operating with supplementary heating).

Acknowledge with the ENTER-key.

Hopper entry X Act.

(X = number of the drying hopper)

The current temperature at the feed opening of hopper flap X will be displayed.



If there is a cable break “+0 °C” (32°F) is displayed.

The lowest drying temperature setting of the hopper flap must be the same as or higher than the drying temperature.

Press the “â” key.


Start-up 3-11

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Sterling STT 1600 STT 3.5.3. Entering hopper values, Start-up, Hopper entry X Target, Hopper entry X Act