95693 Revision P A-11
Applying Labels
DLT Cartridges
The DLTtape VOLSER letter located next to the last number in the VOLSER reflects
the media. Cleaning cartridges have CLN in the VOLSER, diagnostic cartridges have DG
in the VOLSER.
See Figure A-12 and insert the label into the recessed area on each cartridge:
1. Make sure that the cartridge has been at room temperature for at least 24hours.
2. Clean the surface where the labels will be placed using a cleaning solution made for
this purpose. See “Cleaning the Cartridge Exterior” on page A-5.
3. Locate the label that you need:
DLTtape III has a “C” next to the far left number, bar code down.
DLTtape IIIXT has an “E” next to the far left number, bar code down.
DLTtape IV has a “D” next to the far left number, bar code down.
Diagnostic cartridge has “DG” at the beginning of the VOLSER.
Cleaning cartridge has “CLN” at the beginning of the VOLSER.
4. Hold the cartridge so that the write-protect switch is toward you.
5. See Figure A-12 and slide the label under the slots in the recessed area. If desired,
peel the backing from the label and then slide it under the slots. Press it into place.
Figure A-12. DLT Cartridge Label Locations (C62381)