95693 Revision P 3-27
Operating in Manual Mode
Removing a Cartridge from the Hand
If the LSM goes offline because of a power failure, a cartridge might be left in the hand.
If you need the cartridge to complete a job request, you can manually remove it from the
hand and mount it into a drive for a read/write operation.
Potential equipment damage: Follow the procedures described in
“Moving the Robot” on page 3-12. Failing to do so could damage the

Standard Door Procedure

To remove a cartridge from the hand when your LSM has a standard door:
1. Rotate the Z column until the hand is located on the left, top side of the LSM (Panel
0 Column 0).
2. If a cartr idge is in the top cell, rem ove it so you have more room to pe rform the n ext
3. Rotate the reach mechanism drive belt until the gripper is extended to its full
position, as shown in Figure 3-15 on page 3-28.
4. Hold the reach mechanism drive belt with one hand and grasp the cartridge with the
other. Gently pull on the cartridge until it is released from the gripper, as shown in
Figure 3-16 on page 3-29.
Figure 3-14. Mounting a Cartridge into a T9940 Drive (C62732)