▼To Prepare for Hardware Installation
1.Read and observe the safety information at the back of this book. See“Safety Agency Compliance Statements” on page 27.
2.Install the Solaris 8 2/04 (minimum required version) operating system on the host.
3.Install the Solaris 8 2/04 (minimum required version) recommended patch cluster on the host.
See the Sun StorEdge
4.Install any required driver patches on the host.
See the release notes to find the applicable patches for the version of the Solaris OS that is installed on the host. Also see the release notes for how to download the driver and any required patches. If needed, see “To Access the Release Notes” on page viii.
Caution – If the driver and any required patches described in the release notes are
!not installed, you cannot use the host adapter.
5.Install the SunVTS software on the host.
The SunVTS software is shipped on the Supplemental Software
6.Exit the operating environment.
Note – If your system supports the PCI
To inform any mounted users that the system will be going down, use the shutdown command. Otherwise, use the init 0 command. See the Man Pages for these commans or the Solaris AnswerBook documentation.
7.Power off the system. Refer to the service documentation that came with your system.
4 Sun StorEdge