Accessing Sun Documentation
You can view, print, or purchase a broad selection of Sun documentation, including localized versions, at:
To access Solaris OS usage documents listed under “Using UNIX Commands” on page vi and the SunVTS™ software documents listed in “Before You Read This Book” on page v, go to docs.sun.com. To access the Sun StorEdge
▼To Access the Release Notes
1.Access the release notes at Sun’s web site by using one of the following methods.
■ Go to www.sun.com and follow these links:
a. Click Products & Services.
b. Under Browse Products, click Storage.
c.In the right frame, under Use, click Documentation.
d.Under Hardware/Storage, click StorEdge.
■Alternately, you can go directly to this address:
2.From the product list, click Sun StorEdge
3.In the documentation list, click the row listing the Sun StorEdge
Note – Viewing and printing documents in Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF) requires Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is downloadable for free from: www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html.
viii Sun StorEdge