10 Sun StorEdge PCI/PCI-X Dual Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapter Installation Guide • January 2007

To Test the Installation With the SunVTS

Use the the SunVTS software to test a disk on a newly-attached disk array,to verify
that the host adapter is properly installed.
For details about running the the SunVTS software, refer to the SunVTS 5.X User’s
Guide and the SunVTS 5.X Test Reference Manual.
1. As superuser, open the SunVTS window.
2. From the System Map, select a disk drive that is in an array connected to the host
3. Start the disk test.
4. Verify that no errors have occurred by checking the SunVTS status window.
5. If no problems occur, stop the SunVTS software.
Yourhost adapter is now ready to run applications.
Note – If problems occur,please contact your service provider for assistance.