8Sun StorEdge PCI/PCI-X Dual Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapter Installation Guide • January 2007
Connecting the Host Adapter
Before you connect the host adapter to the storage device(s), do the following:
Refer to the release notes for the lists of supported cables and storage devices.
Downloading the release notes is described in “ToAccess the Release Notes” on
pageviii .
Refer to Appendix A,“Ultra320 SCSI Configuration” on page 13 for general
information on configuration for Ultra320 SCSI devices.
Refer to your system documentation and the storage device installation manual
for specific cabling instructions.

To Connect SCSI Cable(s) From the Host

Adapter to the Storage Device(s)

1. Connect the host adapter to the storage device(s) using the appropriate cable(s).
Refer to Table1-1 for SCSI interface connection information.
TABLE1-1 Sun StorEdge PCI/PCI-X Dual Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapter Interfaces
SCSIInterface ExternalConnector InternalConnector
Channel A J2 J6
Channel B J3 J4