You should always use fresh ingredients. The reasons are:
l FLOUR. If you have stored your flour for a long time, it may
have become wet from absorbing moisture, or dry,
depending on the area of the country in which you live. We rec-
ommend using fresh bread flour.
l YEAST. Fresh yeast is probably the most important ingredient
in baking bread. If the yeast is not fresh, your bread may not
rise. It is better to buy new yeast than to take a chance on yeast
that has been stored for a long time.
You can test the freshness of your yeast. Simply fill a cup with
warm water, then add and stir in 2 teaspoons of sugar.
Sprinkle a few teaspoons of yeast on the surface of the water
and wait. After 15 minutes, the yeast should foam and there
should be distinct odor. If neither reaction happens, the yeast
is old and should be thrown away.
Read all recipes from top to bottom, and remember:
FIRST, liquid ingredients
SECOND, dry ingredients
LAST, yeast
This is a secret well known by people who make bread the old-fash
way. While hand kneading the mixture, they adjust the con-
sistency of the dough by adding a little flour or a little water until
the doughball is just right.
Although the breadmaker kneads the dough for you,
this secret is still true. Here’s what you should do.