If your heart rate in the most recent session exceeded the maximum heart rate defined in Personal settings, Suunto t1 will ask if you want to update your maximum heart rate value after resetting the stopwatch.
If you want to update your maximum heart rate, press the – button. Pressing the BACK button takes you back to the Training mode without updating your maximum heart rate.
Once you have finished your training, your Suunto t1 can provide you with detailed information on your performance. In this section, we'll look at the Summary and Totals functions, as well as Suunto's online training community, www.suunto.com/training.
5.1. Training Summary
Immediately after finishing your training, one of the first things you'll want to do is review all the data recorded during the session. You can see your peak heart rate, your average heart rate, how many calories you burned, how much time was spent in each zone, and more in the Summary submode. The training Summary can be accessed by short pressing the + button in Training mode. You can use the - and + buttons to navigate in the menu.