8 - 14 DS6707 Digital Imager Scanner Product Reference Guide

Software Handshaking (continued)
XON/XOFF: An XOFF character turns the digital imager scanner transmission off until the digital imager
scanner receives an XON character. There are two situations for XON/XOFF:
-XOFF is received before the digital imager scanner has data to send. When the digital imager scanner
has data to send, it waits up to Host Serial Response Time-out for an XON character before
transmission. If the XON is not received within this time, the digital imager scanner issues an error
indication and discards the data.
-XOFF is received during a transmission. Data transmission then stops after sending the current byte.
When the digital imager scanner receives an XON character, it sends the rest of the data message.
The digital imager scanner waits indefinitely for the XON.