Imaging Preferences 5 - 13

JPEG Target File Size

Parameter # F4h, F1h, 31h

Type: Word
Range: 5-600
This parameter defines the target JPEG file size in terms 1 Kilobytes (1024 bytes). The default value is 160 kB
which represents 160 Kilobytes.
To set the JPEG Target File Size parameter, scan JPEG Target File Size below followed by three numeric bar
codes representing the value. Leading zeros are required. For example, to set an Image Brightne ss value of
99, scan 0, 9, 9. See Appendix D, Numeric Bar Codes.

JPEG Quality and Size Value

JPEG Quality = Parameter # F0h, 31h

If JPEG Quality Selector is selected, scan the JPEG Quality Value bar code followed by 3 bar codes from
Appendix D, Numeric Bar Codes corresponding to a value from 5 to 100, where 100 represents the highest
quality image.
CAUTION JPEG compress may take 10 to 15 seconds based upon the amount of information in the
target image. Scanning JPEG Quality Selector (default setting) on page 5-12 produces a
compressed image that is consistent in quality and compression time.
*JPEG Target File Size
(3 digits)
JPEG Quality Value
(Default: 065)
(5 - 100 Decimal)