Imaging Preferences 5 - 19

Signature Capture Bits Per Pixel

Parameter # F0h, 3Ah

Select the number of significant bits per pixel (BPP) to use when capturing a signature. Select 1 BPP for a
black and white image, 4 BPP to assign 1 of 16 levels of grey to each pixel, or 8 BPP to assign 1 of 256 levels
of grey to each pixel.
NOTE The digital imager scanner ignores these settings for JPEG file formats, which only support
8 BPP.
The digital imager scanner ignores 1 BPP for TIFF file formats, which only support 4 BPP
8 BPP. 1 BPP is coerced to 4 BPP for TIFF file formats.
*8 BPP